Several Roxana High School teachers shared their experience and expertise with teachers from around Madison County as last week's Madison County Teacher's Institute.

Amie Hanneken, RHS science teacher presented on Using Google Forms to Assess NGSS Science Practices. Sidnee Sawyer, Refuge Therapist, spoke on Understanding the Why Behind Student Behavior. Suze Gibson and Logan Ridenour worked with the Madison County Historical Society and demonstrated how teachers can Develop Lesson Plans for Social Science and History Mandated Units of Study through the Historical Society. And, Brittany Sasser (JH) and Erin Falloon spoke about their experience sponsoring "One and Done: A 24-Hour Theater Experience."

Our staff did an excellent job presenting and we are very proud of them.

RHS Teachers PresentingRHS Teachers PresentingRHS Teachers PresentingRHS Teachers Presenting