Good morning Shells! Today is Tuesday, October 8th, 2024.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Seniors, your senior activity form for the yearbook is in your email inbox! This is where you record your senior quote, list your activities, and upload your senior picture and baby picture. Please contact Mrs. Schrewe with any questions. The Senior Form is due Friday, October 18th.
Congratulations to sophomore Will Stevens who qualified for the boy's golf state tournament yesterday with a fourth-place 75 at the Anna sectional. Congratulations, Will, on a job well done and good luck at State!
Student council members: There is a meeting after school in Ms. Lish’s room. If you cannot attend this meeting, please make sure to stop by Ms. Lish’s room sometime today to take a vote and pick up your fundraising forms.
Each school day all students are eligible for one breakfast and one lunch at no charge. This is a regulation governing school meal programs. You are always able to purchase extra food items, but as stated, you are only eligible for one breakfast and one lunch per day. You may not get lunch at the main line and then get a second lunch at the Snack bar area unless you purchase the second lunch.
The cafe' is closed on Wednesday and Thursday this week while employees attend a conference.
Speaking of being closed, students will have no school on Friday while teachers attend the Madison County Institute and there will be no school on Monday. Students will have a four day weekend.
The lunch menu for today includes:
Nachos Supreme, Lettuce & Tomato, Vegetarian Beans, Salsa, Sour Cream, Jalapenos
Students, at this time, your cellphones should be docked in your classrooms and your backpacks in your lockers.
Make it a great day, Shells!