Daily Announcements

Good morning Shells! Today is Thursday, September 19th, 2024.  

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. 


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

The Homecoming Coronation and Dance will be on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 beginning at 7:00 P.M. DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M in LARRY MILAZZO GYM. The dance will end at 10:00pm.

Tickets will be on Sale Tuesday, 9/24 – Thursday, 9/26 in the morning before school in Room 209 and in the Commons at lunch.

Student tickets are for both Coronation and the Dance and cost $12.00 each.

Homecoming Guest Forms are now available in the Main Office. Guest forms are due Monday, September 23rd by 3:30pm. All guest forms need to be signed by the guest and their school’s principal, so do not wait until the last day, pick up your form on the Main Office today.

Homecoming Week days have been announced for next week:

Monday: Dress as your favorite meme or vine

Tuesday: Candidate speeches will take place during 2nd hour. Support your favorite candidates by wearing their t-shirts OR pajamas

Wednesday: Everything Music. Wear anything music, such as favorite decade, genre, or era of music.

Thursday: Dress to Impress. Wear professional attire. The Parade and Community Pep Rally in the evening.

Friday: Class Color Day with the Homecoming Pep Rally and Games in the afternoon. 

See You at the Pole is also coming up on Sept 25th starting at 7:00a.m. Donuts and Milk will be provided and Racheal & Co coffee and other treats will be available for purchase as well.

There is no art club this afternoon… see you next Thursday!

The lunch menu for today includes: 

BBQ Pork Nachos, Salsa, and Vegetarian Beans

Students, at this time, your cellphones should be docked in your classrooms and your backpacks in your lockers. 

Make it a great day, Shells!