Good morning Shells! Today is Monday, May 6th, 2024.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The Biology II class is holding a plastic water bottle recycling class competition. NO soda or sports drink bottles will be counted. Seniors, you have 1 week to recycle as many water bottles as you can in the bin outside the high school office. May the best class win!
Congratulations to our 2024 Prom Queen & King: McKaela Brown and Jackson Garman.
This week is our final week with the Class of 2024. Senior Spirit Week begins Monday. Here are all the details:
Monday: T-Shirt Day. Wear your favorite Roxana t-shirt from the past four years.
Tuesday: College or Career Day. Wear your college shirt or dress for your career.
Wednesday: Senioritis Day. Wear your favorite school appropriate PJs.
Thursday: Red Hot Senior Day. Wear your Roxana Red.
Friday: Dress to Impress Day. Wear your best for your last day of high school.
Senior Obligation Sheets will be delivered to 2nd hour classes for distribution.
Wednesday, May 8th at the start of advisory there will be a short 15-30 minute meeting for any students interested in running cross country this fall in Coach Scamihorn’s classroom (A104). This meeting will cover important summer training information. If you are not required to stay for all of advisory, you will be allowed to leave after the meeting. See Coach Scamihorn with any questions regarding the meeting.
This Wednesday is a traditional Advisory. Thursday is an SIP Day with student dismissal at 11:15am and on Friday we will be on the Advisory Bell Schedule with our Yearbook Signing Party beginning at 1:35.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. We are grateful to our staff here at RHS for being dedicated and passionate educators who put students first. Be sure to thank your teachers and staff this week. We have a big week planned for our staff with lots of treats and appreciation.
Make it a great day, Shells!