Daily Announcements

Good morning Shells! Today is Thursday, April 25th, 2024.  

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. 


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

Today is the last day students can bring a t-shirt to the media center during their lunch time and iron on a "Make Every Day Earth Day" patch to their cotton/polyester blend t-shirt. This event is sponsored by Science Club.

Prom is coming up on May 4th. 

Prom Guest Forms are now available in the Main Office. All forms must be completed and turned back into the Main Office by Tuesday, April 30th before 3:30pm. Forms will not be accepted after April 30th. 

If you are a student on Social Probation and want to attend Prom, you will need to turn in a contract to Mr. Dandurand or Mr. Miller prior to the deadline.

Prom tickets can be purchased in Mrs. Royse's room before or after school until April 26th. The tickets are $25.00 each, and you can pay with cash or check made payable to RCUSD#1. Tickets will not be sold after April 26th. Every person attending the prom must have a ticket (candidates included). We need the number of guests attending so that I can let the caterer know how much food we will need. Yes, appetizers and cupcakes will be provided! Come by Mrs. Royse's room before or after school by Friday, April 26th!


The Biology II class is holding a plastic water bottle recycling class competition. NO soda or sports drink bottles will be counted.  Sophomores have overtaken the freshman with a total of 454 bottles!  Juniors begin their collection today and run through April 29th. And the Seniors will wrap-up the competition from April 30 to May 6th.

Calling all incoming freshman-seniors who love to dance... Roxana Dance Team is hosting tryouts this week. Tryouts will be on Friday, April 26th at 3:30 in the auxiliary gym. Come to the office for a flier with more information regarding dance tryouts next week!

Thespian Troupe 556 will be hosting the first annual One and Done 24-hour theatre festival on May 10th and 11th, and we would like to invite you to participate! No experience is required! We will be forming teams of playwrights and actors. The entire process from brainstorming, writing, rehearsal, and performance will take place in only 24 hours! Writers will be spending the entire night at school. The event will begin at 8:00PM on Friday, May 10th to allow seniors to participate in Senior Sunset. Please see Mrs. Sasser, Mrs. Falloon, or a current Thespian member for more information and a permission slip! Registration for the event is due by this Friday, April 26th! (Announce the rest of the week.)

The Cafe is closed today and tomorrow. There are no snacks available in the Cafe. 

Listen up students who have Mr. Ogle, Mr. Gowin, or Mr. Wuest: Students who have Mr. Ogle, Mr. Gowin, or Mr. Wuest for 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hour go to the Student Center today. 

ROX STARS: The following students received recognition as a ROX STAR recently. If you receive a ROX STAR Nomination, please come to the office this morning to pick up a ticket for a free item from the Cafe:

  • Payton Floyd

Make it a great day, Shells!