Daily Announcements

Good morning Shells! Today is Tuesday, March 19th, 2024.  

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. 


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

Here are the winners of yesterday’s Battle of the Beads. These students will be challenging each other Friday at the field day.

Freshman: Amelia Primas

Sophomore: Lexi Zeller

Junior: Landon Sitze

We have a tie for the seniors: Keylon Caruthers and Cade Smay

And finally: your teacher, Mr. Kurth

Today is the second day of Spring into 4th Quarter. Today, if you find an easter bunny, make sure you turn it in to Ms. Palmer in the attendance office to claim a prize.

Tickets for the big Easter Egg Hunt are for sale during lunch in the Commons. For $5.00 dollars, you will be able to collect 12 easter eggs on Wednesday, March 27 at 10:00 on the Football field. There are lots of great prizes and gift certificates to win and all proceeds go to fund this year’s Senior Sunset.

Juniors:  Any student interested in the Fire Science Program at LCCC for senior year needs to turn in the application to the guidance office by this Wednesday, March 20th.  See Mrs. Garrison or Mrs. Hansen if you need another copy.

Seniors, Prom Voting continues today and tomorrow. The form was emailed to you Monday morning. Voting will end this Wednesday at 2:45. If you did not see the form in your inbox, email Mrs. Schrewe. 

Prom Guest Forms are now available in the Main Office. All forms must be completed and turned back into the Main Office by Tuesday, April 30th before 3:30pm. Forms will not be accepted after April 30th. 

If you are a student on Social Probation and want to attend Prom, you will need to turn in a contract to Mr. Dandurand prior to the deadline. 

This week is Spring Into 4th Quarter sponsored by Student Council all week with activities and fun days. 

Today: Find the Easter Bunny

Wednesday: Punch for Lunch. Have a cup of punch at lunch from Student Council. 

Thursday: Wear blue to support our juniors taking the SAT.

Friday: Field Day Friday. Class games on Charles Raich Field and the announcement of Prom Court. 

Make it a great day, Shells!