Daily Announcements

Good morning Shells! Today is Tuesday, February 6th, 2024.  

Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. 


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

Today, think about these powerful words by Dr. Mae Jemison, “Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”

Did you realize that valentine’s day is just around the corner? If you want to surprise someone special, Student Council is selling ring-pop candy grams in the commons during lunch on Thursday, Friday, and Monday. They will be delivered on Valentine’s day. 

The English Department is hosting SAT prep sessions for Juniors starting Wednesday, the 7th, on our Club/Organization Wednesday. Sessions will take place every Wednesday during Advisory (1:40 - 2:40) until the exam on March 21. See Ms. Turley to sign up or if you need more information. For tomorrow’s Club/Team meetings, this is an option for you to select on the Google form. 

Tomorrow is Club Picture Day! Please see the schedule posted around school and in your email inbox. Pictures will be in the large gym. Don’t forget to wear your club t-shirts. 

Also, Senior Superlative pictures are tomorrow. If you were voted for a superlative, you received a schedule in your email. Please email Mrs. Schrewe if you have any questions. 

Shells, this is the last week to vote for faculty superlatives and to add your song to your grade level playlist. Both Google forms are in your inbox. Email Mrs. Schrewe with any questions. Voting ends Friday!

Tomorrow is an Organization/Club/Team Meeting Wednesday. All students are required to stay until 2:40 this Wednesday. Students, if you have not already, please complete the Google form and indicate what club or team meeting you will be attending or which Study Hall you will choose. The Google Form is in your inbox this morning. 


Make it a great day, Shells!