Superintendent’s Welcome

Debra Kreutztrager
Superintendent of Schools
Phone: 618-254-7541
Welcome to the Roxana School District. Our motto is “ALL staff working together to serve ALL students!” We have the special privilege to be a part of our students’ lives, and it is our responsibility to provide the best education possible in a caring and challenging environment. We have many different roles, but one common purpose, our students! Our goal is to help each individual reach his or her fullest potential and be prepared for college and career upon graduation.
The Roxana School District is extremely fortunate. We have highly qualified and dedicated teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff, and administrators. We are proud of the many accomplishments of our students not only in academics and the arts, but also in the wide variety of activities and athletics that we offer students of all ages. Due to the financial stewardship of the Board of Education and its visionary leadership, the District is in a position to address the existing facility needs and continue to improve educational opportunities for all students.
There has been a great deal of educational reform and we know that we face many challenges; however, collectively we will view challenges as opportunities. From the Common Core State Standards to research-based best practices in assessment and instruction, we are working to ensure effective instructional strategies in every classroom while integrating 21st century technology.
We are fortunate to have a Board of Education and a community that strongly support the Roxana School District. The contributions of community members, parents, students, and staff are essential to the education of our youth. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns related to any aspect of district operations, please contact my office at (618) 254-7541 or email me at
Yours for excellence in education,
Debra K. Kreutztrager
Superintendent of Schools